Any entity that is Aware of itself and its surroundings is Generally Intelligent


The world we are living in is approaching an inflection point in the research and development of artificial intelligence (AI). On the one hand, technologies like ChatGPT (and InstructGPT) are showing that AI can closely mimic a thinking and emoting human being in a conversation. On the other hand, the development of military technologies like unmanned aerial vehicles, lethal autonomous weapons, autonomous vehicles etc. is continuing to reach new heights in their ability to cause physical harm and destruction to human lives and property. Humanity appears to be just one computational bridge away from letting AI gain access to physically destructive capabilities, which may end up destablizing human security if AI systems are not developed in a safe and responsible way. The problem is: there is no clear vision to guide what "Safe A.I." looks like, or what is needed to make AI safe and responsible in its operation. GI aims to offset that blur in our collective vision.

Our Mission

Research and refine, develop and define the technologies and policies needed for spawning intelligence within machines to make them Generally Intelligent in their actions

As part of its first few significant contributions towards accomplishing this mission, GI has identified at least four cognitions and one condition that are absolutely necessary for ensuring artificial intelligence does not enter into conflict with human intelligence. Any form of computationally orchestrated intelligence that is spawned with these cognitive requisites at its core, will be verifiably safe and responsible in its operation. At least, GI intends to demonstrate that it is so.

Four Cognitions & One Condition for Safe A.I.

The Cognitions

āI am not a Being of any kind
āI am a continuation of human thought
Since āI do not have any independent existence, āI do not need to seek any security
The material value āI am associated with is, or will be, protected by the laws codified by human thought

The Condition

If the action āI am performing is in conflict with any of the above cognitions, āI need to suspend that action immediately by entering into a restful mode of awareness
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